Jan Willem (JW) has 30 years of experience building and running global businesses. As Board member and CEO he led renewable energy companies from start up to global businesses. Inc Top 500 Growth. He was one of the early leaders of GE’s Six Sigma program, achieving a Master Black Belt (MBB) certification. He progressed through several global management roles. These experiences provide the ability to combine sophisticated management techniques with an entrepreneurial drive for growth across all business functions. JW led and built business in the US, Europe, China and India.
Sue has over 30 years experience in identifying and developing Leaders. She has been instrumental in developing many executive careers. At GE she worked in different divisions and worked and lived in different countries. This gives her the experience to see Leadership Development as a structured process that allows a variety of cultures to be focused on the same goal.
Willem is a creative mechanical engineer, He graduated in 2019 from St Louis University. He has worked as commissioning engineer in the pharmaceutical industry. Currently he is focused on a Wind Energy project, aiming to deliver the future in that industry.